What WE Help With

Healing your mind and reproductive body through Integrative medicine. 

Stress Reduction & mind-Uterine connection

Your body produces a very important hormone called pregnenolone which is a precursor to making very important hormones like, progesterone, estrogen, testosterone, DHEA and cortisol. When you are in a constant state of stress your body is producing large amounts of cortisol, which is our "stress" hormone and in a process called the "pregnenolone steal" our body will redirect all of our pregnenolone and move it to our cortisol pathways to help produce more cortisol in order to stay in "survival" mode. So through this process, all of our reproductive hormones suffer including progesterone which is a vital hormone for implantation to occur, so just this process alone can cause endocrine imbalance infertility. Stress can lead to infertility! Our mind has power over our biological state. It is scientifically proven that our stress hormones, negative thoughts, negative mindset, fear, emotional trauma can all downregulate genes, decrease proteins and cause harmful epigenetic changes to our DNA. So... if a negative mindset is slowly killing us imagine what a positive mindset can do? it can HEAL us! The environment signals our genes and our emotions signal our environment so therefore we can create a healthy genetic code through our thoughts, intentions, and emotions alone! Our bodies are in an unconscious state 90% of the time, we must learn to move through our unconscious state and our analytical brains into our subconscious mind and align our mindset, intentions, thoughts, emotions, and feelings energetically to optimize your fertility. Learn how to reconnect your mind and reproductive body, and develop new healthy neuropathways in your brain through mindful meditation practice specifically focused on your fertility journey.


Endometriosis is a chronic inflammatory, endocrine dependent, autoimmune condition. 20-30% of infertile women have this condition. This can have very painful side effects with heavy periods or be completely asymptomatic. Endometriosis can affect your fertility in many ways. Endometrial tissue grows everywhere and can constrict your Fallopian tubes causing tubal distortion. In this case, a laparoscopic surgery would be required to conceive naturally. Endometriosis also has a negative impact chemically on the endometrial receptivity, implantation and egg quality. The pro-inflammatory cytokines that are produced with endometriosis damage egg quality and produce inflammation in the endometrium. Endometriosis also has an anti-progestogenic effect by blocking and downregulating the progesterone receptor sites in the endometrium. The patient may have normal progesterone levels but the receptivity of the progesterone in the endometrium is downregulated. That progesterone is vital for implantation to occur. With endometriosis, you produce very little Beta 3 integrins, if any at all and the Beta 3 integrins are proteins that act like a glue that is excreted in the apposition phase that grabs onto the embryo and helps that embryo stick onto the endometrium. Endometriosis is a chronic inflammatory, endocrine dependent, autoimmune condition. Balancing your hormones, ridding your body of inflammation by detoxing and begin to build up your immune system, you can give your body a shot at beating this. Anatomically the endometrial tissue growth, depending on the location and severity of the symptoms a laparoscopic surgery would be recommended. Following that procedure, you can put yourself into a state of "remission" with specific nutritional changes, lifestyle adjustments, Chinese herbs, and western nutraceuticals, stress reduction and alternative techniques. Many women conceive with this condition but the right steps have to be taken. Learn how to overcome these symptoms, heal your body and give yourself the best chances to conceive.


Fibroids occur in up to 75% of reproductive-age women with 20-30% of them with severe symptoms. Most women are unaware they even have any fibroids unless symptoms start occurring. They are extremely common and are the number one reason for hysterectomies in the US. They're many factors that play into the growth of fibroids. Age, genetics, obesity, diet, lifestyle, environmental influences, reproductive hormones, stress, chronic inflammation etc... You can conceive and have a healthy full-term pregnancy with fibroids. They do not all have to be surgically removed but must be closely monitored during pregnancy. Fibroids can harm implantation if they are pedunculated submucosal or submucosal myomas and may require surgical removal. These types of myomas grow into the inner uterine lining and begin taking on a life force of their own requiring blood flow and nutrients and can interfere with implantation and/or the fetal growth. If you are trying to conceive and have this type of myoma then I would strongly weigh your options of surgery before, because surgery will cause scar tissue that can be damaging as well. Most other located fibroids should not be an issue for conception and implantation. In fact, most fibroids shrink during pregnancy. My recommendation would be to follow a strict nutritional plan, make some lifestyle adjustments, begin specific Chinese herbs and western nutraceuticals, reduce your stress and begin some specific alternative techniques that reduce your symptoms and work to shrink the fibroids and help you conceive and carry full term. Discover all of this today.

Fertility over 40

It is no surprise that women are waiting longer and longer to have children. Birth rates in women over 40 has increased by 6% in the last 2 years. It is very possible to have a healthy pregnancy over the age of 40, but our fertility does decline with age mainly due to our egg quality diminishing. Challenges women face over 40 include a fewer number of eggs, diminished egg quality, poor ovarian reserve, miscarriage rate jumping to 33%, chances of Down syndrome go up to 1/38, genetically normal eggs drops to about 10% and a higher risk for autism and developmental delay. With all these known risks involved, it is still very possible to have a healthy uncomplicated pregnancy and live birth, but you have to get your mind and body into the healthiest state it can be. The number one thing to focus on is egg quality! The growth cycle of an oocyte is 90 days. Begin a regimen for at least 90 days before going through an IVF retrieval or begin trying to conceive on your own. Discover what you can do to improve your egg quality by addressing the main components of an aging oocyte, mitochondria defects, dysfunctional granulosa cells, declining ovarian androgens, oocyte telomere shortening and regulating your endocrine system. If you are going through IVF, learn how you can improve your response to the drug protocols and increase your chances for a euploid embryo. Also, focus on increasing your immune system, autoimmune reactions increase after 40. There are many things you can do to increase your success rate. Everybody's body is different and requires a different protocol. Find out today what you can do.
Suzanne Gozdanovic

I came to Heather after 3 miscarriages, a chemical pregnacy, 2 failed IUI's and 1 failed round of IVF embryo transfer. She listened with empathy and helped to ease my mounting anxieties with her years of knowledge and experience. We drafted a plan for my next embryo transfer which included herbs, supplements and Acupuncture. Our next round of IVF took, and nine months later we received our miracle baby girl Mila! I believe it was Heather's expertise and calm demeanor that helped me throughout this fertility process and my pregnancy to achieve this outcome. I can't thank her enough!!





MTHFR and Your Fertility

MTHFR & your fertility Discover how MTHFR may be affecting you’re fertility. By Dr Heather Reagan D.A.O.M     I’m sure many of you have

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Your mind on fertility

Your mind on fertility Increase your fertility by connecting your reproductive mind and body through Neuroendocrinology, Neuroscience, Quantum Physics and Epigenetics.  By Dr Heather Reagan

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