Your mind on fertility
- Heather
- March 2, 2020
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Your mind on fertility
Increase your fertility by connecting your reproductive mind and body through Neuroendocrinology, Neuroscience, Quantum Physics and Epigenetics.

By Dr Heather Reagan D.a.O.M
We all know the power of a positive mindset…But do you know what is happening physiologically inside of your body when you have a thought, an intention, a feeling and better yet an emotion connected to that thought? The result is so powerful, that it can change your genetic code.
Your mindset and your environment can change your biology; genetically, chemically, hormonally and neurologically by regulating gene expressions. Your body is a protein building machine, all of the cells in your body except red blood cells make proteins. In order for the cells in your body to make proteins a gene has to be regulated. The body is signaled by the environment to upregulate or downregulate genes. By upregulating genes you will make healthy proteins and lengthen telomeres, and downregulating genes you will make weaker proteins. If you continue to negatively signal a gene over and over again with negative environmental lifestyle habits then you will eventually wear that gene out.
So listen to this…
The environment signals the genes, but your emotions signal your environment, so therefore you have complete control over your genetic biology with your MINDSET, intentions, thoughts, feelings, and EMOTIONS. Next time you have a negative thought come into your mind that triggers a negative emotion, remember, that it will intern affect your current environment which will then trigger the down regulation of certain genes and production of weaker proteins. You can increase your health or make yourself sick just by your emotions and environment. You can heal your physiological body and increase your reproductive health and fertility with the power of the mind.
“Increase your fertility by connecting your reproductive mind and body through Neuroendocrinology, Neuroscience, Quantum Physics and Epigenetics. “

How does stress and a negative mindset affect our fertility? Our body produces a very important hormone called pregnenolone. It is a precursor to making very important hormones like, progesterone, estrogen, testosterone, DHEA and cortisol. When you are in a constant state of stress your body is producing large amounts of cortisol, which is our “stress” hormone. In a process called the “pregnenolone steal” our body will redirect all of our pregnenolone to our cortisol pathways to help produce more cortisol to stay in “survival” mode. This process steals the pregnenolone away from making our very important reproductive hormones. This process causes all of our reproductive hormones to suffer, including progesterone which is a vital hormone for implantation to occur, so just this process alone can cause endocrine imbalance infertility. Stress can lead to infertility!
Remember our mind has power over our biological state. It is scientifically proven that our stress hormones, negative thoughts, negative mindset, fear, emotional trauma can all downregulate genes, decrease proteins and cause harmful epigenetic changes to our DNA. So… if a negative mindset is slowly killing us, imagine what a positive mindset can do? It can HEAL us! Remember our environment signals our genes and our emotions signal our environment, so therefore we can create a healthy genetic code through our thoughts, intentions, and emotions alone! Our bodies are in an unconscious state 90% of the time. We must learn to move through our unconscious state and our analytical brains, into our subconscious mind, and align our mindset, intentions, thoughts, emotions, and feelings energetically to optimize your fertility. Reconnect your mind and reproductive body, and develop new healthy neuropathways in your brain through daily mindfulness meditation practice and visualization exercises specifically focused on your fertility journey.